South African Jazz Educators Conference (2010) – UCT, Cape Town, March 2010
Tshwane University of Technology Arts Faculty Research day – TUT, Pretoria, April 2010
Performing Arts in Training Conference – Austria (2010)
The South African Society for Research in Music (SASRIM) fifth annual conference - Rhodes University – 23-25 June 2011
TUT Sustainable Arts Conference – TUT, Pretoria, April 2011
Moshito 2011 Johannesburg, September 2011
Histories,Aesthetics and Politics of South African Jazz Indaba – Grahamstown, Rhodes University 17-18 January 2012
11th South African Association for Jazz Education Conference – UCT, 25-27 March 2012
2012 Bangkok International Education Conference
Perspectives on evaluating Jazz Performance
South African Jazz Educators Conference 2013
International Music and Wellness Conference, North West University 2013
4th Apartheid Archive Conference. Race, Space, Location and Dislocation: Then and Now, 23 May 2014
2014 International Conference on Arts, Culture, Heritage and the National Development Plan: Vision 2030 1-3 OCTOBER 2014
The South African Society for Research in Music (SASRIM) eighth annual conference – Free State University – 25-27 August 2016
South African Jazz Educators 14th conference - 28-30 April 2017 - Cape Town - Exploring Fourths in Jazz Improvisation
UP Jazz Symposium - 30 August 2017 - Pretoria - Attendance and performance with UP Arts Orchestra
National Performing Arts Health Symposium - 2-3 October 2017 - Pretoria - Attendance and performed with Prof Kris Chesky – University of North Texas
PASME Conference – Seychelles (July 2019)
The impact of social, environment and background aspects on the Indian Pentecostal church musicians’ performance skills and music literacy
Resoundings: Transformative Practices in South African Music Studies colloquim – Nelson Mandela University (November 2019)
Perspectives on decolonisation and its implications for Jazz curriculum and teaching approaches
SASRIM Virtual conference 2020
Pentecostal Church Music praxis, current music trends and challenges: the role of the Pentecostal church in community music
Perspectives on decolonisation and its implications for Jazz curriculum and teaching approaches
South African Jazz Educators conference 2020
COVID-19 Lockdown lessons: Optimising for online music learning
2014 International Education Conference in Las Vegas (2-4 October 2014)
The Business and Social Science Research Conference: Paris 2014 (19-22 December 2014)
Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies (2-5 August 2015)
Performance Practice Traditions In Pentecostal Church Music
The new music programme at Tshwane University of Technology Musicus, Volume 39.1 11
Perspectives on evaluating Jazz Performance Musicus, Volume 41.2.13
Religion, Music and Identity: the role of the Pentecostal church within the Indian community in Durban-South Africa, Strategic repositioning of the Arts and Culture in the 21st century: Cambridge
Perspectives on decolonisation and its implications for Jazz curriculum and teaching approaches
Submitted for peer review – SAMUS Resounding Colloquim Proceedings